Automate your bills and approvals with
an expense management software


Significance of QORUM

Qorum is a system to manage the end-to-end lifecycle of an expense voucher. It manages the voucher from the time of creation to payment approval.

  • Capture accurate expense data
  • Automate your expense policy and approval hierarchy
  • Instant visibility into spending and budgets
  • Take control of your Expense Management
  • Electronic access to documents
  • Negotiate your supplier rates based on data
  • Get all the insights into the company's spending

Simplify Your Everyday Expenses

Record expenses as they happen so that you don't have to carve out time from your busy day, our product automatically keeps you informed to take direct action at the right time.

Record, manage and submit your expenses, including details based on your specific policies.


Why Qorum ?

Qorum is a system to help analyze overall expenses, identify cost savings opportunities, and control excessive expending. Moreover, helps to run your business efficiently.


API Integration

Quick and easy integrations with your accounting system. Using two-way API integration functionality, Qorum seamlessly connects to your accounting system with just a click, in less than 2 minutes

Digital Wallet

Automate your payments and bank transfers with Qorum.
